CFM - Corporate Flight Management
CFM stands for Corporate Flight Management
Here you will find, what does CFM stand for in Aviation under Industry category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Corporate Flight Management? Corporate Flight Management can be abbreviated as CFM What does CFM stand for? CFM stands for Corporate Flight Management. What does Corporate Flight Management mean?The United States based company is located in Smyrna, Tennessee engaged in airlines/aviation industry.
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Alternative definitions of CFM
- Cubic Feet Moved
- Cerebral Function Monitor
- County Fiscal Management
- Call From The Mountain
- Cubic foot per minute
- Code Fragment Manager
- Chlorofluoromethane
- Crown Financial Ministries
View 138 other definitions of CFM on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- CV City of Vineland
- CPTS Cobb Pediatric Therapy Services
- CHP Community Housing Partnership
- CRE Commercial Real Estate
- CCCL Canada Colors and Chemicals Limited
- CEI Cincinnati Eye Institute
- CMH Coast Mental Health
- CBMR Crested Butte Mountain Resort
- CFH City of Farmington Hills
- CSB Caucasus School of Business
- CC The Collier Companies
- CCUS Clinical Center University of Sarajevo
- CMI College of the Marshall Islands
- CPS Cheshire Public Schools
- CPC Contract Pharmacal Corp
- CCO Campbell Clinic Orthopaedics
- CFL Canadian Football League
- CMG Curtis Media Group
- CCI Chameleon Communications International
- CCDPH Cook County Department of Public Health